Birth Certificate Translation Services in Dallas TX

Guaranteed acceptance by USCIS and most government offices and institutions.
Guaranteed acceptance by USCIS and most government offices and institutions.
Signed by a professional translator and notarized by a Notary Public.
Signed by a professional translator and notarized by a Notary Public.
We have more than 30 years of experience in translations.
We have more than 30 years of experience in translations.
Local translation company in the USA, not in a foreign country.
Local translation company in the USA, not in a foreign country.
Premium quality paper, gold foil seal.
Premium quality paper, gold foil seal.
Delivery in person, by email, by Priority First-Class Mail.
Delivery in person, by email, by Priority First-Class Mail.

Birth Certificate Translation

Birth certificates are essential to every country’s immigration process. Certified and accurate birth certificate translations can help prevent delays in your immigration efforts.

Certified Translation Dallas provides reliable, accurate translation services that guarantee certificate translations will be accepted by the USCIS and other immigration authorities around the world.

Your Birth Certificate Needs Accurate Translation

To achieve your plans–from overseas marriage to permanent work in another country—your birth certificate needs an accurate, certified translation. Your birth certificate is one of the most important documents you possess. It verifies your entire identity.

So, if you plan on making a permanent stop in another country, it’s essential to get your birth certificate professionally translated. Certified Translation Dallas provides the safest and most professional choice for your certificate translation needs.

Our Birth Certificate Translations Are Certified and Notarized

Some people may ask a friend to translate their birth certificate or rely on translation apps for assistance. While such translations are convenient, they are not reliable. Government agencies will likely reject a translated document that isn’t certified or notarized.

For an agency to accept a translation of your birth certificate, a reliable and competent translator must certify the document.

A certified translation never expires. Our meticulous process guarantees that your birth certificate will be accurate and accepted by authorities in any country.

We Translate it All and Make the Documents Easy to Compare

We will translate everything that is on your birth certificate. To be considered a complete translation, our work includes all seals, signatures, and stamps on your certificate.

Our translators will also translate your birth certificate in the same format as the original document to simplify comparison.

If you have a birth certificate that is primarily handwritten, we will ask you for information on sections that would otherwise be deemed illegible.

Please note that we cannot make corrections or changes and must work with the document we receive. If you spot any errors on your birth certificate, please contact the office that created the original document and request revisions.

Certified Translation Dallas Guides Your Translation to Success

If you need birth certificate translation services, we are here to help. Our translators are fluent in most languages and can have your documents translated in 24 hours or less. Simplify the translation process today with Certified Translation Dallas. Contact us today to get started.

Birth Certificate Translation Services Dallas TX